
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Calendar art for 2022

 Hello fellow readers,

Today I just finished a art that is for next year I am so excited to show you guys what it looks like. I think it is a really good peace of art. It took us 3 sessions to finish it. These are the things we needed to use ( pencil,maker and pastels) I know what you are wondering, you are wondering what I need the pencil for WELL I needed that to make this whole thing. I just covered the pencil with marker so yeah. I also added some other things in there aka (The witch hat, the top hat and the among us character.) I also blended all the colors together on the letters that spell my name. I worked really hard on this so I hope you like my art for 2022!!! 

(If there is some thing you want to know tell me in the comments)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ellaaaaaa!!
    Kristhel here :] I like that you have a top hat on your 'E' and 'L' (the one that has red and orange 😀 ) I also liked how you added the Among Us character. But maybe next time you can make your paper cut or something more cleaner? Because I can see that you did add a lot of squiggly lines and it is kind of hard to cut out because that's what I did to mine as well but I don't really have anything else to say!I love your art <3 Hope to see more blog posts.:)

    Bye Ella!! Have a great day :]
    -Kristhel :D

    (I had to delete my other one so yeah :P)


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