
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

How to make a worm farm

Hi readers 

For the last weeks my inquiry group l have been learning about worms and worm farms and for that learning I had to make a DLO/digital learning object. But then I heard we were gonna make a worm farm so we used food scraps and did everything to make it. The reason for a worm farm is to get worm tea and worm tea is a worms poo and pee. BUT DON'T DRINK IT! Worm tea is what plants like so you should put worm tea on your plants. Here is my DLO. Hope you like it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Why cats should be kept inside * Not outside*

 Hello readers 

Today in my writing class I finished a piece of writing to persuade people. We had to pick if cats should be kept inside or outside but of course I picked inside. Here is my writing!

I strongly believe that cats should not be allowed to go outside. Here are my 3 reasons why they should NOT be allowed to go outside. But if you think cats should be allowed to go outside then I shall change your mind.

My first reason why cats should not be allowed to go outside is that they can run away and if your cat ran away you might never find it. But if you keep your cat inside it will not run away. So if you decide to let your cat outside just keep reading. 

My second reason is they kill native animals like birds and lizards. If you want to let your cat outside it could kill birds and lizards you can keep it inside so it does not kill all our native animals. But it is easier to keep your cat inside because you won’t have to go back and forward to get your cat. If that still didn’t take your hat off my last reason should.

My last reason is they could get kidnapped. If your cat gets kidnapped imagine how sad you will be. If you don’t let your cat outside it will be so safe. But if you let your cat outside they could run away, kill all the native animals and get kidnapped.

Therefore I think cats should be kept inside so they don’t want any of the above to happen to your cat should keep it inside. If you still think you should let your cat outside you did not listen so read again.       

Thursday, November 5, 2020

problem of the week

 Hello readers 

Today in my maths group I partnered up with a girl named Raquel she is a really nice girl so just to help her go to her blog. here is the link . but anyway we learned about guessing a number but here is the problem. 

I’m thinking of a number. 

I get the same answer if I add 8 to my number,or if I don’t add 8 but instead I triple my number.

What number am I thinking of? 

and here is the slide

Friday, September 25, 2020

calendar art

 hey readers 

for a couple of weeks I have been doing something called calendar art it took me a long time but it was still fun. There were 3 arts to pick from dot art, Kandinsky art and filling down a tunnel art but I picked  dot art and here is my work.hope you like it.


Monday, September 14, 2020

greetings,farewells and acknowledgements with Erin

Kia ora everyone,

 last month Erin and I made a Maori video and we had to use greetings,farewells and  acknowledgements but in Maori as you know any who here is my 
work PS check out Erin's blog

Making a sentence better

Hey everyone today my writing class we learnt how to make boring sentence better and we started with the girl ran and kept on making  it better

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How to tie you shoe laces from your friend Ella

Hey Everyone it is me Ella and for awhile I have been making Instructions of how to tie shoe laces.I have made a bitable if you do not now what that is go to my previous biteables all you have to do is scroll down and click older post oh and don't forget to comment but here is my work
How to tie your shoe laces on Biteable.

Friday, August 28, 2020

My cartoon me

Kia Ora everyone!

Today in my homeroom / digital citizenship I finished my cartoon me well that is what  I was told it is called but anyway we have been doing this for a while now, Sooooooo long I can't even remember How much days we have done it but anyway here is my work.
