
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Calendar art for 2022

 Hello fellow readers,

Today I just finished a art that is for next year I am so excited to show you guys what it looks like. I think it is a really good peace of art. It took us 3 sessions to finish it. These are the things we needed to use ( pencil,maker and pastels) I know what you are wondering, you are wondering what I need the pencil for WELL I needed that to make this whole thing. I just covered the pencil with marker so yeah. I also added some other things in there aka (The witch hat, the top hat and the among us character.) I also blended all the colors together on the letters that spell my name. I worked really hard on this so I hope you like my art for 2022!!! 

(If there is some thing you want to know tell me in the comments)