
Friday, September 25, 2020

calendar art

 hey readers 

for a couple of weeks I have been doing something called calendar art it took me a long time but it was still fun. There were 3 arts to pick from dot art, Kandinsky art and filling down a tunnel art but I picked  dot art and here is my work.hope you like it.


Monday, September 14, 2020

greetings,farewells and acknowledgements with Erin

Kia ora everyone,

 last month Erin and I made a Maori video and we had to use greetings,farewells and  acknowledgements but in Maori as you know any who here is my 
work PS check out Erin's blog

Making a sentence better

Hey everyone today my writing class we learnt how to make boring sentence better and we started with the girl ran and kept on making  it better

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How to tie you shoe laces from your friend Ella

Hey Everyone it is me Ella and for awhile I have been making Instructions of how to tie shoe laces.I have made a bitable if you do not now what that is go to my previous biteables all you have to do is scroll down and click older post oh and don't forget to comment but here is my work
How to tie your shoe laces on Biteable.